Tag: pe

How Telemedicine Can Diagnose 16 Common Skin Rashes

Rashes really freak people out and make up a decent percentage of all urgent care telemedicine complaints.  There are several studies finding that rash diagnosis by telemedicine is just about as good as an in-person evaluation.  Another recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Dermatology shows that medical providers evaluating […]
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Holidays Hazards Treatment using Telemedicine

Ten Holiday Hazards Care on Location Can Help Treat with Telemedicine Visits

Holiday Hazards that just may happen, and how to treat them through telemedicine The family is coming, the friends are coming and for a lot of us, that may mean from across town, out of state or an international guest. Like any other get together, hazards arise great and small. Nothing de-rails your sight seeing […]
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Telehealth treating Foodborne Illnesses

How Telehealth Visits Can Help Treat Foodborne Illnesses

Take a look outside your window - what do you see? In most parts of the United States, you’ll find brilliant colored leaves turning brown on trees that are shedding them to the ground for the preparation of colder weather. You might see an abundance of pumpkins or scarecrows. Sweaters. Boots. Time to cozy up. […]
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Stuffed teddy bear with tissue, medicine, and shot

Feeling Under the Weather? How Care on Location's Telehealth Visits Can Help.

Our bodies are made to function like well-oiled machines, a thousand cogs and sprockets turning together in harmony to make us walk, talk, breathe, and live our lives to the fullest. Sometimes the machine can have a tick in its internal workings, however, and that slows it down or causes it to malfunction in a […]
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How Telemedicine Visits Make it Convenient to See a Primary Care Doctor

Seeking medical care is almost always inconvenient and usually quite costly.  There are multiple telemedicine services attempting to reverse the trend.  This article provides a decent brief overview of the initiative. We live in a society where we as consumers have more control over when, where, and how we access services.  Healthcare is slowly moving […]
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Online Medical Care can help Flu Symptoms

Winter is Coming: How Online Medical Care Can Help Treat Flu Symptoms

Winter is coming Every year from October through April, we see a rise in infectious diseases from the common cold to flu symptoms to pneumonia.  Hopefully you either have or are planning to get your flu vaccinations soon.  Getting the flu is a significant contributor to lost time, productivity, and health.  The flu vaccine is […]
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concussion symptoms - man laying on grass holding his head with both hands

Concussion in Adults - Can it be Diagnosed by Video?

Let's say you are playing a game when a fellow player accidentally trips you.  You fall backwards striking your head on the ground.  First a "Thud!", followed by a quick flash of darkness, kind of like when the electricity flickers out in your house.  This is followed by a few visual "sparkles".  Within seconds the […]
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Flu Season Vaccination Recommendations

Flu Season is Coming. Vaccination Recommendations

We are rapidly approaching the beginning of our annual influenza(flu) season which typically runs October through May.  Getting the flu vaccine has been shown to be the best preventative measure to take in order to minimize the negative effects, complications, and deaths from influenza. There has been a yearly ongoing urban legend debate about the […]
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leadlice next to a match head and penny to show size

Head Lice - Itchy Just Thinking About It

While head lice, also called pediculosis capitis, is not necessarily dangerous to us, there is some physical discomfort associated with having these little parasites on us and there is a significant amount of social stigma associated with having an infestation.
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Summertime Sunburn

When to Get Medical Help for Your Sunburn

Care Connection:  Sunburn Feel the burn?  Summertime is a great time to be outdoors.  But while the sun is warm and enjoyable to be in, not preparing for it's effects can lead to short-term pain and increase your risk of long-term problems. So, whether you are hiking, biking, swimming, or just relaxing, protecting yourself from […]
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